
Noelle Knight

Hey. I'm a random follower. But I think you're just the most beautiful girl ever. I don't understand why would someone hurt you or leave you. But I've been in the same situation you are now. It actually happened recently. It gets better, trust me. Cry for someone who won't fight back for you isn't w

Thank you.. ❤️

Latest answers from Noelle Knight

I love your mind set. What makes you so strong and unwavering? I'd love to hear your story some day. ♥

thank you, lovely❤️❤️

Is love real or is science right about it being a chemical reaction in our brain?

Love is real.. Be careful with it. It can hurt you in a way nothing else in this world ever could.

What do you think about him

Oh! Haha uhm, he's pretty chill, hilarious, fun to talk too, never met him. But we dated once lol crazy right?

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