

Ask @BohemianSelf

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Frida, no es por mala onda pero te vez algo rídicula tratando de hacer tus reflecciones que no llegan a ningún punto de vista. No seas una copia barata de otras personas.

Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines
He wrote a poem
And he called it "chops"
Because that was the name of his dog
And that's what it was all about
And his teacher give him an A
And a gold star
And his mother hung it on the kitchen door
And read it to his aunts.
That was the year father Tracy
Took all the kids to the zoo
And he let them sing on the bus.
And his little sister was born
With tiny nails an no hair
And his mother an father kissed a lot
And the girl around the corner sent him a
Valentine signed with a row of X's
An be had to ask kis father what the X's meant
And his father always tucked him in bed at night
And was always there to do it.
Once on a piece of white paper with blue lines
He wrote a poem
He called it "Autumn"
Because that was the name of the season
And that's what it was all about
And his teacher gave him an A
And asked him to write more clearly
And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door
Because of the new paint
And the kids told him
That father Tracy smoked cigars
And left butts on the pews
And sometime they would burn holes
That was the year his sister got glasses
With thick lenses and black frames
And the girl around the corner laughed
When he asked her to go see Santa Claus
And the kids told him why
His mother and father kissed a lot
And his father never tucked him in bed at night
And his father got mad
When he cried for him to do it.
Once on a paper torn from his notebook
He wrote a poem
And he called it "Innocence: A Question"
Because that was the question about his girl
And that's what it was all about
And his professor gave him an A
And a strange steady look
And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door
Because he never showed her
That was the year father Tracy died
And he forgot how the end
Of the Apostles's Creed went
And he caught his sister
Making out on the black porch
And his mother and father never kissed
Or even talked
And the girl around the corner
Wore too much make up
That made him cough when he kissed her
But he kissed her anyway
Because it was the thing to do
And at 3am he tucked himself into bed
His father snoring soundly
That why on the back of a brown paper bag
He tried another poem
And he called "Abslutely Nothing"
Because that's what it was really all about
And he gave himself and A
And a slash on each damned wrist
And he hung it on the bathroom door
Because this time he didn't think
He could reach the kitchen.-s.c

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Frida no es por mala onda pero te vez algo rídicula tratando de hacer tus

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LaLuchi2507’s Profile PhotoSacmis.
Es triste darme cuenta el grado de manipulación que tuvo sobre mi, y ahora que ya regresamos, me va a manipular más, ya lo sé, de esta no me salvó, la amo un chingo.//
Inserta Locura  Le sigue y lee
Liked by: Yo

Espacio libre❤

NoEsTuPeoAnonimo’s Profile PhotoUn loco suicida.
Me caga no saber que hacer con mi vida.//
Probablemente me mate en mi cumpleaños, por no poder soportar el dolor, así que si ya no regresó, significa que no habré despertado.//
Espacio libre

[C] Le pregunté sí me amaba y su mirada dijo más de mil palabras. Ninguna de ellas era la que necesitaba.

eternalsmilexx’s Profile PhotoᅝSoℓ y Last spark. ✿ᅝ
Recuerdo las palabras bonitas que nos dijimos.
Recuerdo hablar de la primera vez que nos conocimos.
Pero no recuerdo porque nos convencimos.
Nunca nos pertenecimos.// -l.r
C Le pregunté sí me amaba y su mirada dijo más de mil palabras
Ninguna de ellas
Liked by: Fuck Off

Todos somos culpables de los errores cometidos.

NoEsTuPeoAnonimo’s Profile PhotoUn loco suicida.
Yo no aprendo de mis errores, no me hacen mas fuerte, me hacen desear el querer fallar mas, fallar y decepcionar hasta que no quede nada, apuñalar mis expectativas día por día.//
Todos somos culpables de los errores cometidos

¿Y sabes porqué nunca llegare? porque se que si lo hiciera tendrías mil y un excusas y razones para no irte conmigo.

Yoalli_wayland’s Profile PhotoNad.
Deja de tratar de adivinar o insinuar que sabes lo que pienso, lo que hago y las razones del porque soy como soy, gracias.
Y sabes porqué nunca llegare

porque se que si lo hiciera tendrías mil y un

¿Si pudieras cambiar algo de esta sociedad, que cambiarías?

Cambiaría a toda la pinche gente pendeja que se la pasa mamando verga con los estereotipos y las pinches modas hipsters mexicanas mas nopaleras que peña Nieto, neta me caga que la gente se tome fotos presumiendo sus carnes, no es arte, no es moda, son MAMADAS. Amen.
Si pudieras cambiar algo de esta sociedad que cambiarías

Si hoy llego a tu casa a las 5 Am y te digo que escapemos... ¿te irías conmigo? ...

YoalliWayland’s Profile Photojust a weird girl
。This time I'm ready to run, wherever you are is the place I belong, cause I wanna be free, and I wanna be loved , I will never look back now...🎶 I'm ready to run🎶。

❀ Y tu ¿Que eres? ❀ ᅝᅝᅝᅝᅝ Libre interpretación ᅝᅝᅝᅝᅝ Pásate ❤

No soy nadie, es todas las interpretaciones.
Y tu Que eres  ᅝᅝᅝᅝᅝ Libre interpretación ᅝᅝᅝᅝᅝ Pásate


Language: English