
Elaina Houser

Ask @Bouserhouser

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are you camping this weekend?

Well yes. But No.
Me cole and Willie stayed in a hotel Friday and Saturday night. Because willie doesn't sleep well at the campground. but tonight we're staying g at the campground cause willie is going home!

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how could your life be different?

well.. I could have my dad in my life.. I would have both parents but he's gone.. so that's one way my life has changed. there's plenty more. 😢

you could do better than cole

Oh I could? what do you mean better.
He's the only guy that handles my attitude,my pissy days, the days all I do is complain. he handles a lot of me you'd be suprised. I'm suprised he's stayed. because I'm not an easy person to handle or deal with like he does but guess what he does an amazing job! I Love Him for that! he's the best! there may be other guys out there but idont want them iwant the one igot I'm happy with him and that's who I want!

Your dp is really ugly! Change that shit cause your face looks nasty as hell

You're ugly for judging others

Because he is?

Oh honey you obviously know absolutely NOTHING. He is 18 and yes he Smokes cigarettes and chews but he is legal I cannot stop him from any of that. but he doesn't do drugs. So not sure where you're getting your information but you're wrong😂

Obviously your the one dragging it on cause Mercedes got rid of ask and katelyn doesn't even answer anything anymore so it's just you and felicity dragging it on now.

this is obvious katelyn yall like bringing back the drama

Ever going war, but by saying they need to grow up is proving that you need to too. I'm just saying.

I'm not like them and keep it going they keep it going and wonder why so many people don't like them.

Okay, just going to say this. You obviously tweet about Mercedes and katelyn and Felicity. You tweet about them tweeting about you and you tell them to get a life and such. I don't know if you realize it or not, but you are doing the exact same thing they are doing. I'm not picking side of this...

Hahaha have you seen there tweets. and the texts messages they are the ones dragging it on and I don't tweet about Felicity I love her ya dumb one. literally text me if you got a problem with what I tweet. isn't any of your business is it? idont think so. that's how the drama started was Katelyn and Mercedes jumping to conclusions about everything maybe my tweets are about someone else ever thought that? nope you're to busy jumping to conclusions

plans for the day?

hade to go into work and figure out a way to leave for 2 hours friday.
at the gym working out now.
then a massage appt at 1215.
then have to get tags for new car.
then help mom for rummage sale.
then eat with my man


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