
Elaina Houser

Ask @Bouserhouser

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well thats good! you couldnt impress anyone anyway!:)

Aw thanks!(: I dont give a fuck what you think about me why dont you try saying it to my face!(: or text me

girlie! whoever said your ugly is lieing! your FUCKING UGLY.

Im ugly! Thanks!(; i dont try to please everyone!

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Eliana don't listen to them you Are gorgeous(: there just lil bitches that with they were as pretty as you(: Aleah

Hahaha aww thanks!(: you are really damn gorgeous your self! I dont care what people think of me! Some think im really pretty some think im ugly! I could care less!(;

NOOOOOOO your not ugly, just because you see yourself as ugly doesn't mean everyone else does!

Awe thanks!

Well I'm just trying to get you to snap back to reality, and tell me when you find your mind because you have obviously lost it.

Nope i havent lost my mind at all! Iknow im ugly so im facing it!

Well you don't HAVE to listen to me but I'm just saying you need to realize that you are truly nice and beautiful and anyone who can have you is lucky, so I'm asking you to please listen to me!

Hahaha! Me nice but thanks im known to be a bitch so yah and im not THAT pretty so just get over it!
Liked by: Alissa

Well I'm not going to tell you cuz it would be embarrassing but yeah it is true, well actually what the heck, meh

Oh hahahaha!! Iknow who it is!

I'm not maybe you just need to come to reality and realize that you're just trying to make yourself feel bad and realize that your beautiful and anyone would be lucky to have you!!!!!

Aww thanks.. But really im not. Idk who you are!(:

Are you on your period because you need to calm dah fuck Dow

No im not on my period! And dont tell me to calm down! Ive hade enough shit today so please text me about this!? And its true why is he dating me if he hates me


Language: English