
Elaina Houser

Ask @Bouserhouser

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Who do you trust?

That's a hard question. it's hard to trust people know a days. but I can pretty much trust.
My Boyfriend!Rylie!Kate!Izzzy!Felicity! And Jaxson! pretty much only people I really talk to anymore..

How long did u have ur concussion

I have had my concussion for almost 6 months.. it happened on Halloween. But anyways if you have a concussion or have had one or get one.. listen to you doctors.. and make sure they know what they are talking about.. my doctor is thinking some of the reason mine has been taking awhile is because at the beginning I got thrown back into school to soon and they were pushing me.. until I ended up worse and blacking out.. and in the hospital.. and then now going to the concussion specialist.. I still am not going full days of school. but no concussion is the same..

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have you ever been told you look like Felicity Tuttle?

well kind of because iguess our hair. but otherwise no?.

Tbh/ I miss you like crazy and we need to hang out soon and your a babe

Yes we do! Thanks Babe I love you!

How do u still have a concussion

Not every concussion is the same alright.. they can last anywhere from 2 weeks to years believe it or not. My doctor which is the ONLY concussion specialist in the state. has said he's seen kids out of school a year and still stuggling. So I would say it just all depends on how you got a concussion and how your body reacts. I act perfectly fine.. but when it comes to school.. it gets me.. It was exacly 5 months ago on the 31st.. but I try my best this is only another thing that will make me a stronger better person..

Why were you at a Kwl game if that's not your school?

Beacuse I can.
I was at the Hanson game and we just stayed so..


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