
Mohammad Zaitul Afifi

Ask @BoyOverLavender

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Describe something that's happened to you for which you have no explanation!

i once literally passed out infront the refrigerator at midnight
the story begins when I suddenly woke up in the middle of night and felt very thirsty, so I get out from my room when its suddenly something (or someone) piggyback me, the weight I must tell you that, its like 2 adults were piggyback-ing you, I could only walk only for 2 steps. I cannot stand the weight, I gave up and continue my sleep.
but, my thirstyness getting worst, its feel like you didnt drink for whole days. I came out from my room again, then something piggyback me again with even heavier wieght, I dont care if that thing were ghost or not, I must drink, my throat feel like in the desert already HAHA.
so when in agony to even just walk with small steps, something were blocking my eyes, and its suddenly pitch black, my eyes feel heavy and that time im just blindly strudding toward the kitchen.
but then, I start to feel annoyed and angry, when something just keep on in your way, I cursed it and just walk and keep crushing all the furnitures that night. Finally, my hand touched the door kitchen and straigh forward open the fridge, alhamdulillah because my vision came back and I grab the bottle filled with orange juice, but suddenly my energy suddenly depleted, I felt very very weak and weaker each seconds, I cant even open the lid, my hands like want to broke or something cause my hand literally cannot move a bit.
after struggling in front of the fridge, my vision getting darker and darker and your leg give it out then boom, I cant remember anything anymore.....I passed out hahaha, when I woke up, I laying on the floor with the orange juice that spilled on the floor everyone infront the open fridge.
i get up and drink first the juice, suddenly i walk back towards my room normally with no obstacle haha and sleep back like nothing happen.

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Liked by: Nur Asyiqin Aqilah

Selamat berpuasa~ semoga semua amal ibadah kita di terima oleh Allah S.W.A.. Amin~

amin ya rabbal alamin ^^

if Apink making a concert in Brunei, would you come?

of course ♡.♡ but i prefer private fan meeting event with proper management without crazy fans who always scream macam urang gila
Liked by: Nur Asyiqin Aqilah

Can you sing and dance? If not, do you wish you did?

i want to sing Dragonforce - Through the fire and flames and any other 80s and 90s rock or heavy metal songs, prefectly and of course Avenged Sevenfold songs

Describe someone you like

why do you want to know? just scroll down, I answer this type of question twice already, but thanks for asking anyway :)


Language: English