
Poetic Prophet

Latest answers from Poetic Prophet

Do you think it would be hard to swallow a pine cone without chewing?

I don't know. How about you swallow a pine cone without chewing and let me know how the results turned out.

R u okaiiiiii? :c why r ur tweets so angry? :/

My tweets....are angry? Well...can't say I'm surprised. I'm an angry person sometimes. But I'm fine. Thank you for the concern. :)

If you could go back to any moment that happened this year, what moment would that be?

The moment when I did my first high school play. That was amazing.

I lied lol, i wont keep coming back here. I want to text you though?

Can't text you sorry Don't have a phone

You are! That's why I let noone else ride me other than you c; ♥ Im going to make you keep coming back here to talk to me ツ

LOL Yeah I can hang guurl. And it's cool you seem pretty brill so I'm okay with talking to you :)

Language: English