

Ask @BraceFaceMaiyaa

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What I sent to him: I feel like you are the dream guy. Like, you're everything a girl could ever ask for. You don't give up on anything. You care so much. I've never been with anyone that wiped my tears for me. That right there real life touched my heart when you did that. ❤ I was like omg and it made me happy. As much as I may have hurt you or pushed you away, you were still there for me. When we first dated, as many times as I pushed you away and got angry at you for No reason, you never gave up on me or us. You were still there by my side even when I didn't deserve you. And I regret treating you like that. But now, I'm in love with you. I don't know How that happened. I didn't want to but it happened. You make me soo Happy. Like idk why. When I talk to You it brings a smile to my face. Or when I start thinking of you out the blue. But you ugly tho Yes, you have hurt me but I'm trying not to dwell on it as hard as I can. We are getting through it tho. We made a promise ✊ We're going to make it through this. And I love you

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2014 is like the worst fucking year in life. Like real life, the hear not even halfway over yet & it's terrible! I can't wait for it to be over and 2015 to come. hopefully it's better cause I cannot take this year at all


We both came to school in 5th grade & we was both new. (And ugly *laughing face + skull emoji) we spoke to each other that first day and talked about the schools we came from. Then when I went with Jawan, became my brother. He was confusing cause he would leave and come back. Lol But he coo, cute, funny, and he always high. I love his dimples and my mama like him lol. But he supposed to be my brother But he faaaaake lol


Jawan. Man, we've been through hell and back these past 4 years. Starting from September 15, 2010. Jawan was my first Love. Despite our many arguments and disagreements, I will always love him. He's supposed to be my bestfriend or whatever, but we don't talk like that anymore. I miss How close we used to be tho :( I miss our conversations. And How we were able to talk about anything without feeling uncomfortable. All of our jokes and all night conversations. But things happen I guess. I'll always love him. And I will truly miss him. ♥


Lmao she gon kill me when she see this picture. But Jaidah is my sister. We also been bestfriends since 5th grade. She was the first person to talk to me when I was new to that school. We were thick as thieves. But we ain't that close like we used to be. But she still my sister and I love her. and we gon always be there for each other 4L


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