

Ask @BradjamesH

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Tricks you can do on your board

Ollie, nollie, switch Ollie , fakie Ollie, pop shuvit ,fakie shuvit , fakie big spin , fs 180 , bs 180 , fakie bs 180, fakie fs 180 , kickflip, heel flip, varial kickflip . Yeh

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I had a foramen magnum decompression operation. Ok so lets put I this way my brain was feeling a bit bored so he decided to slip down my head a bit, so mr doctor man said 'silly old brain what've you done"
so he carefully put him back in his place.
This was done in the space of 5 1/2 hours
Liked by: Charley Squirrell

Little Henderson, if I was gay or a girl I would indeed smash you

Thanks knew that one wouldn't be awkward cos its you ahahahahahahahah

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

Brown, cos I'm a turd


Language: English