

Ask @Bradyholguin69

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Honestly delete your ask you don't need this bullshit people are dumb as hell

one day back and I get shit haha and I am

will you and Kristian get back together

no. just bc we have a baby doesn't mean we are suppose to be together we are better off not together

I do know something about you, and I think You are an awful person and I absolutely hate watching stupid ass teens get handed the responsibility of a life time just because they weren't smart with their choices. This baby deserves better then you and you know it.

Really you know me? well if you knew me which you probaly don't anymore considering I only talk to about 2 people a day you would know that I've changed. I don't do drugs. I have a job. I finished my online schooling and I'm going to school to be a nurse. I've stopped doing everything I was doing for my baby. I've grown up and I've taken everyone that didn't do me good outta my life. sorry but you don't know anything about me now please enjoy your day and get the fuck off my ask. no one asked for your fucked up opinion. I'm doing just fine thank you (:

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Your the definition of a ruined teen. I truly feel bad for this baby your gonna have.

of a ruined teen? hahahahahhahahahaha obviously you know NOTING about me. I was a ruined teen. I smoked everyday. all I thought about was weed and drugs but now drugs don't even come to mind. all that's on my mind is my baby growing healthy so you think what you want that's your opinion but I've changed my life around and I start nursing school. my life is 100x better since my baby came in my life I finally got on track but run along now sweets I don't need you brining me down!

Did you use a condom or were you on birth control where you were having sex and go pregnant?

I was on birth control but we didn't use condoms and a bed.

You're dealing with this whole situation with so much grace and courage. It's truly so mature and incredibly admirable. Not many could do what you are and you're so strong. That's a lucky lil baby on the way to have such a good spirited mama!

Thank you so much for your kind words made my night❤ & I just couldn't be happier about becoming a mom I wish I was older but I don't regret having this happen to me thank you again! (:

Ignore then bb girl? it doesn't matter who the father is because your gonna get twice the love. ~Tori

Awh tori you're so sweet❤

Isn't Kristian with another girl??

I'm not sure but again I don't really care what he does. it doesn't concern me. he's single.

Kristians the father everyone knows that

Everyone? hahaha I don't think so considering someone just asked who the father was but good job for knowing who father is

did you ever think of abortion

No NEVER. I decided to have sex. I ended up pregnant. there's no point in ending a life for my choice to have sex.

who's the father

I'm just not gonna talk about the father. I'll answer any other question though but we are gonna leave the dad out of it.

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