
Brandon Christopher Reddy

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look like Slum-dog Millionaire doe

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA i know that's why i refereed to myself as coloured! meaning mixed races haahah

but you are South African Indian...

not really tbh im more coloured then Indian! i have more black and white in me that indian tbh hahahha

Wow. Getting fucked fucked up. You must live the thug life with that underage drinking

I will be 18 when celebrating my birthday so how is that underage drinking mate

Cutest couples at school?

i don't keep up with couples in school to be honest
the probable only couple i know in school is
Josh and Tayla they're cute

n biology, a genus is a taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms. In the hierarchy of biological classification, genus comes above species and below family - enjoy your explination

thanks for the google copy and paste man really appreciate it aye. fuck boy

would you enjoy fellatio with another homo-sapien of the same genus

Big words for a little man but i know what genus means man care to explain this to me

who da hel u hang wif? any closeys

bruh I'm in love with you English aye!! but yeah I do have a few close friends and if you know me you know who i hang out with or you'll see me around school with the group i hang with

Thoughts :)

Ashlea... hey you seems really cool!! haven't really talked to you much, expect the passing hey or something like that haha!! don't know you too well to write something long sorry, but yeah next time i see you i'll say hey hahah

Dream job? casting couch?

I have no idea tbh!! I guess it's called a dream job for a reason so maybe be the owner of the playboy mansion haha!! nah but seriously probably a Pro Football player

I heard that you are back for the Athletico Madrid after getting red card, hope you do well. BLACK RONALDO BR7!

aye!!! oh okay cool
looking forward to it

Thoughts on Mikayla Johnston?!?!?! :)

Mikayla... It's been really good getting to know you! you're really nice and really fun to talk to, it's really cool how you go out with tay! you guys make a really cute couple! you are really helpfully and always good to talk to when you need advice or a something to sort out!! Yeah you're pretty algoods haha nah jk you're really cool ~ stay cool :)


Language: English