
Brendan Clay

Ask @Brenfrog

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a nikon or canon one. but i dont know which one exactly. why?

arronbrown014’s Profile PhotoArron (Az)
Alright nice one, it's just a little project I'm think of doing to keep myself busy, if anything materialises I'll let you know cause I may need your help with it at some point

Its so tiring lad. takes it out of you standing up all day

arronbrown014’s Profile PhotoArron (Az)
I bet it does, I'd still rather be in your position though, btw seen as you were an A* media student I don't suppose you know a good camera to buy do ya?

What's your opinion about the death penalty?

Don't agree with it at all. Just let the bastards rot in a 10x10 space.

What should a real woman be able to do?

Cook obviously.... Nah just kidding. But really just not be two faced, understand my sarcasm and you're as cool as a cucumber with me

What is the quality you most like in a woman?

Knowing I could trust her to be there for me so that I know if I'm there for her I'll know my efforts aren't in vein.

What scares you more than anything else?

Any kind of insect, bugs, spiders, flies, bees you name it I'm terrified of it.


Language: English