
Brent Robinson

Ask @BrentRobinson

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Who ever this guy is. Needs to move on. I have no respect for a guy who talks about someone's injured grandma. How would you like for some1 to talk about ur loved one. This guy ain't nothing but a coward Brent. If he has the nuts to say something and mean it. He can come to Puckett,ms & say it.

Payton white
Thanks bud.
Liked by: laiklynnjackson

I was never going to tell you who it was. i just wanted you to know you've fucked up someones life and you're a bastard.

The thing is I've talked to every girl that has a bf that I used to do stuff with and all of them said its not them and whoever is saying those things should go to hell...good try

bent Robinson. pucket Mississippi. plays baseball. condasending Dick. I'm positive you are who I say you are.

Ok and what girl is it? I won't answer it if you tell me I swear to God

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I don't care if it's anonymous or not you dick. I hope one day you feel the pain you've caused those other people. And I feel sorry for your grandma having you as a grandson. Poor lady, she doesn't know how big of a fucking douchbag you are.

I for real think yaw got the wrong guy

Again you don't answer. Because you know I'm right and what im talking about. Fuck you. I hope you end up like your grandmother.

I don't know what your talking about and I'm the bad person but your talking like that about my grandma like that? Why don't you get off anonymous talking about her like that

Yeah, don't answer back. you know what I'm talkin about. Your a dick. I hate you.

There's only 2 girls I've ever really cared about in my life and one is with someone else now and the other one hates me and wants nothing to do with me. But that's because I screwed up one time but honestly she could care less about me too. I know for a fact I'm not effecting her life in anyway. She knows how sorry I am.

Oh I do. And i want to. But I'm not trying to make life harder for that person. You've already done that enough. I just wanted to let you know your a little prick and hated by a lot of people.

I ain't talk to no girl here in a long time so I haven't made life hard for no one

God I really can't stand you. I know what you've done and that your lying. And I know someone who've you caused a lot of stress, pain, and frustration. And they are a amazing person. Nothing like you. Fuck you, I cant wait to piss on your grave.

If you know what I've done then say it? Unless of course it's not true and you really just don't have anything

1.) Your fake. You are not who you say you are at all. 2.) You just want to fuck girls. And then you try and talk to them when they get boyfriends and ruin relationships. 3.) You pretend to be a Christian and it doesn't show whatsoever 4.) Youre a douchebag. Hate being around you 5.) Your fake

Who am I then? And I'm not fake. If I don't like somebody I just don't talk to them and I'll say whatever to their face. Haven't talked to any girl that has a boyfriend so that's also wrong and haven't had sex in a while and any Christian knows you will be tempted worse when you try to follow God so yeah I mess up and sin but so does everybody else so your obviously irrelevant and have no reason to be on my page.

Good. Because they're isn't a single girl that wants you back. Douchebag.

I haven't dated anybody so how could they want me back? They never had me.

If you liked a girl but heard some gossip about her that is prolly not true, would you let that stop you from liking her? Yes/no why/why not

No because talk is just talk. And if it was true and she would stop to be with me then I wouldn't care what she did

Yeah, and you messed everything up. Way to go, dick.

They know I'm sorry and that I would do anything to fix it. They just want to hold a grudge.

Maybe if you were not a huge douchebag people wouldn't think that.

How am I a douchebag? I haven't done anything to anybody? Last time I did something bad it messed things all up. Since then I've been good


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