

Has there ever been any intra-pantheon cooperation? Not just with orcs but in general? Also are there any gods solely there to combat The Abyss?

Sure, the pantheons generally hate each other but they'll team up against more deadly threats. The Human and Elven pantheon have united against the Giant gods, the Dwarven and Giantish ones once united against the Sluagh gods, and most deities have put aside their issues at some point in the past to battle the Abyss.
There are several deities out there who focus on battling the Abyss, none of them have big official followings since they tend to be very driven and demanding deities not suited for peaceful civilian worship, but all of them have militant or secret orders to do their will and are generally bad people to get on the wrong side of.

Latest answers from Warlord

I mean, K'zala already had 6 whelps, so if As'ka(?)'s the baby maker specialist, how big would her first litter have been, considering Ur being blessed and, well, being Ur?

You'd probably be looking at 9 or 10 whelps in her first litter with Ur if she'd been picked.

I want a ghost waifu brah...

Someday brah, someday.
In the meantime you can always read the ghost scene in gobbenquest.

At one point in your Disciple of Elshhu quest you were taking about a quest called Hood something were is it ?

Hoo/d/, it was a quest on /d/. The loveisover archive might have it, though I couldn't say for certain.

What would A'ska, Ul'kaza or Zik'yi been like as Ur'shal's mates if any of them were chosen instead of K'zala? K'zala is a sneaky assassin type, but what roles would the other orc women played in Ur'shal's harem?

A'ska and Ul'kaza are far less martial-focused waifus, only Zik'yi would've been joining you properly on the battlefield, more of a straightfoward fighter type than K'zala's sneakiness. Ul'kaza would've helped with your slaving activities, while A'ska would've made Ur a whole horde of babies with that legendary fertility of hers and helped keep your harem in order.


He does, quite a few in fact, I'm not sure how you could've missed that.

Could a female OWQ orc get knocked up by a ghost? Could an male orc ghost knock up other women?

Not under normal circumstances, of course the boons of Y'zagya Zoka (or other magical things) could make such things possible.

If an orc was raised in total ignorance of the existence of the orcish gods, could they still gain favor and boons if they inadvertently act in ways that please them?

Yeah, the six big ones are what they are because they represent a large part of the foundation of orcish psychology and culture, they also tend to be powerful enough to observe, to some degree, what all orcs are doing, even if they aren't actively worshiping them.

Huh. I've grown so used to certain quests frequently turning into QM General Chat that I can't quite imagine what it must be like for the uninitiated to stumble upon the stuff that springs out of them.


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