
Brittany Kae ✌

Opinion on yourself?

Honest opinion? Is that I hate myself. In many ways that people won't understand because I let very few people in and tell them everything. I'm a horrible person because of the things I've done and the person I've become. My eight year old self would be ashamed of me today and I'm not proud of that at all
Liked by: claudea maddison
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Latest answers from Brittany Kae ✌

Happy Arbor Day! PAP of your favorite tree?

Dis 1 is da corner, looks like a model 😍😍

If reincarnation is real, what animal would you come back as?

Yeah cool but if Brad can fuck up the biggest Aranui member how they gonna survive nationals???

Thoughts if any?πŸ˜‚β€οΈ

Don't know you at all! But your ask had good vibes and you seem pretty 😚

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