
ya girl

Ask @Brittlyn23

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Hey post the best selfie if you get more then 5 likes your cute 10 your pretty 15 your beautiful 20 your hot and 25 your gorgeous

there ya go ✊

What does your last text message say?

Hey it me... I fell asleep and didn't hear my phone go off.. Text me back when you see this.

Who your best 3 guy friends?

Umm ..
1. Tyler jacops- always been there
2. Austin cook- haha been there since 2nd grade
3. Pearson Johnston (aka bubba) - haha I pants him 2nd grade been tight since then


Umm I have like talk to you once but you're really funny and come up with the funniest crap on the dumbest question ! You and your Gf = perfect!! Well I guess hmu sometime sorry I am tired so its not that good!✋
Liked by: Rachel dixon Matt.

How do you like to start your morning?

Well think most white girls with a warm cup of I don't care✋ ! Haha jk coffee❤


✨I love this✨ "even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
- Psalms 23:4

What are your plans for tomorrow?

IDEK! I live by the moment we are in right now.. If we lived by what's tomorrow we might miss out on what's about to happen!✌ So live by the present not by the future


Language: English