

Ask @BroYouMad

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what was the last gig you went to?

Iow festival! Best weekend of my life! Saw some of the most incredible bands there too! So many more I wanna see! Here's my list of people I saw that weekend :D

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oi? you not been on her for so long?:( where are you?

haven't been on any social site much recently. alot has gone on fed up with this site especially. this is the first time in ageeeees that I've been on here haha sorry x

Then why do you try and contact her all the time, tell her you're so in love with her and you can't be without her and post on her ask.fm all the time? Sounds to me like you're bullshitting here. Its pathetic. You're lying to yourself and me. Chantal clearly doesn't want anything to do with you and

you are aware you're sending me half messages?:') haha
I contacted her once because I was extremely bored and just had a song come on that mad me think of her but not bothered since then
I honestly couldn't give a shit:') you can ask anyone, I really don't miss her at all..she used to put me in such shit moods! no offense but this is getting boring now? can we just accept that niether of us gives a shit and drop it?:') got better things to be doing than discussing this shit:)

Have you been to any cool concerts lately?

yeah yeah yeah yeah! Lucy Spraggan 9 days ago and on Monday I see Scouting For Girls, woooooo! ✌

Please stop copying and stalking chantal. Its annoying. For everyone. She doesn't want you in her life, just stop. You also copied her username a few days after she changed hers, and interestingly enough, your username has the same use of the letter 'x' as hers? So don't try to deny it. And it seems

'copying' and 'stalking' pahaha who even has time for that?:') no offense, but I really couldn't care less about her twitter name? I dont even follow her ffs aha! ngl, I'm perfectly happy with my life without her in it! literally been the happiest ever in so long no joke :')! so the feeling between me and chantal is mutual:) now we're all in the clear, you can leave me alone now:')


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