

Ask @BrodieeLee

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Lmao that's interesting, if someone who never got a spanking would ask you how it feels like how would you describe it?

I'm kidding I've never been "spanked"
my parents would never hit me

Haha same for me! xD it's cool to talk to you! i think i got my last spanking for talking back around the age of 14 HAHA! when was the last time you got a spanking by your parents?

when I was like 6

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You're beautiful :)Don't let anyone say otherwise.You really will make someone so lucky someday,you're all a guy could ever want, true beauty is inner beauty,and you have mountains of it,you're simply incredible :),,so I would like to know u :) can I text u in kik or what's app +201144800681'or fb

ahaha I make my lukeypoo happy and he makes me happy :) sure inbox me

How do you recommend to stay on everyone's good side?

I've never been on everyone's good side :') but probably don't talk shit

How do you repair a friendship after you have pushed that person away for so long?

lel, that friendship ain't coming back


Language: English