
Brooke Lockwood

The Shy Guy Wants A Girlfriend

The fact you haven't had a girlfriend isn't a bad thing. It's all the same jim jam whether you've had 100 relationships to 1. Like if you've had heaps that could be a bad thing because it means they haven't actually ever worked out... But you have a great chance, cause this is your first.
Now it matters what sort of relationship you want. (1) a fling or (2) you want this relationship to really matter. Like commit to that shit sort of thing. Here's my advice for (2).
Anyway Make sure you find a girl and she is the only girl you want. Don't like all these girls at the same time, because quite frankly it is stupid and says its not the relationship you want it's the thought of one you want. But it all depends really what the girl you're after is into, like it doesn't matter that you're a shy guy, the girl may like shy guys. The fact you are shy isn't that much of a dealio.
But anyway with this girl you need to fight for her in a way that shows she's all you want, not in a creepy way though like get close to this girl. Laugh with her. Do cute shit, stuff girls like I dunno. Have your own little cute things you do with each other stuff that makes what you's have special that only you guys do so it's cute and makes you think about each other, make a connection only you guys have really. Make sure the girl knows how much she means to you, and that you like her. Let things progress ,don't rush things, let feelings develop. The best relationships flow naturally.
And maybe luckily she'll be yours. Make sure you never stop trying even when you're already in the relationship though because the girl likes to know that even though you have her she's the only thing you're ever gonna want.
I'm sorry for the essay
Liked by: Josh Tran
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D.E are my initials

I don't believe that I only talk to one person with that initial, and I can't believe they would say that.

i want to.. but not sure :(

I'm not a mean person haha, so it's not like you're gonna get judged Hun. What's there to be scared of ๐Ÿ˜

how do i tell you?

Gimme a clue first of who you are, like are we close ? Orr. ๐Ÿ™„โœŒ๐Ÿผ๏ธ

Language: English