
Brooke Singleton

Ask @BrookexoMusic

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When you're super busy do you still find time to go on ask ?

Sometimes I kinda visit it out of curiosity but surprisingly I found a lot of unanswered questions in my inbox.
Liked by: SergioL001 alegi_wai

What do you do when you're bored? 😐

I usually play video games, watch anime, draw, cook, read a book, meditate, go to Buddhist meetings, or sleep.

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How much did you lurk your crushes social media before talking to them?

Hahaha probably a while, but I stalk my crush's social media even while talking to and dating them :D

How is life? ?

Life is pretty okay, anon. It has its ups and downs, but I'm doing alright. Hope you're well toooo~

What would you do if you found an expensive jeverly?

I'd probably sell it and buy myself a hamburger

What says "autumn" to you? For me, Pumpkin spice Cliff bars, Starbucks, lip balm and assorted cold essentials spell an oncoming fall.

The changing colors of the leaves, flannel shirts, lace up boots, and pumpkins~

have you been studying English for a long time? Consider learning any other language besides this one?

English was my second language. Japanese is my first, but it's kinda lacking now because I speak it so rarely these days. So I'd like to practice my Japanese more before taking on another language.

What's the movie that made you cry?

So many movies make me cry because I'm the world's biggest crybaby with books, movies, and video games.

Do you like movies about animals?

Animals are purer than humans so yes. Unless the animals all die, then no.

Can I get married at fifty with little?

Get married if you're in love and the circumstances are right, yo.

what do you think about bodybuilding? 🏋🏻️♀️ Do you want to do such sport?


Why does a person have a nose?

As opposed to just two holes in our face? A nose acts as a heat and moisture exchanger to control the humidity of the air we breathe out.

Why is snapchat so popular? Do you use it?

Snapchat is probably popular because it's a quick and temporary sort of communication, which is what many people seem to be preferring these days.
I don't really use it.

why do those who want love get tears?

We seem to accept the love that we think we deserve. Perhaps the tears are due to us being fooled into thinking we love a person who doesn't necessarily treat us very well.


Language: English