
Bruno Saltor

Did you speak much English before you came to England? Do you miss the Valencian beaches?

learned some English nothing more to know that my future was here now perfected a little more ... I do not speak perfect yet.
certainly miss valencia

Latest answers from Bruno Saltor

Hola, creo que me han reportado, el club de lameculos, digo el club de "fans" de albelda, que tiene unos amiguitos que solos no, pero que en grupo son muy valientes, y eso, que me cagó en su madre y namas, que os quiero mucho.

Bruno Saltor
Un beso, BrunoSalton2.

Tienes locos a los güiris EH, liala gorda a ver que dicen si se lo creen

Cuando tenga más intentaré hacer algún tipo de bulo..

Thank you so much for joining our club Bruno, you are very quickly becoming 1 of my favorite players and I very much hope you will be able to play in the Premier League with us next year, you certainly deserve to be playing there. How have you found playing for Brighton in comparison with Valencia?

Thank you mate.
In Valencia CF reaches champions compete and fight here to upload a modest club to the top flight British, my pleasure.

mi español no es muy fuerte así que tuve que usar google para traducir, yo soy un gran fan de Brighton y es sin duda uno de los mejores jugadores que he visto por nosotros. ¿Crees que se podría promover esta temporada?

vamos a luchar por todo lo que este a nuestro alcance, eso no lo dudes

Everyone loves you at Brighton! Please stay forever!

is a great joy for me to feel loved, I hope to retire in Brighton

do you like the fans at brighton, do you want to stay at the albion long time?

I like to encourage every second, is an amazing hobby and want to stay long here

Language: English