

Ask @BryanToledo205

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If you follow me answer with "F" .  & I'll give you a tbh  • If you don't , follow me and then answer with "D"  . I'll give you a " I can't lie ____ " . I can see any new followers  Don't lie  I'm bored 

If you follow me answer with F  
  Ill give you a tbh   

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What does true friendship mean to you?

My niggas love them all,but there's more missing,they are there for me when I need them and they give me advise when I ask them,they are a good example of what friendship should look like and what it means to me
People missing: chris,william,Gio,Mahamadou
What does true friendship mean to you

Rate : 8 Tbh : "easy" lml i still remember that but u lucky i dont hold grudges lmaoo . But yeah besides that ur cool and omfg i swear if u were to fight Charles theres like a 70% chance that you'll win idk why just seems like it .-.

lmfao i think he would win but i dont fight my niggas
thank tho ;)


Language: English