What do you think about the incoming app for mobile devices, Pokémon GO?

I have never hated something more.
The thing that people don't like about weeaboos isn't the interest in anime, because lots of cool people watch anime. The thing that's fucking annoying about people like weeaboos and furries and bronies and shit is the fact that they often time are really loud and annoying with making sure that EVERYONE KNOWS that they're part of these fandoms, very loud and obnoxiously integrating random strangers in public by doing anime skits or being like "WOW IS THAT RAINBOW DASH" (Please someone ask me "tell me your cringiest story" so I can tell the story about the rainbow dash socks please Ill buy you supporter). or just otherwise bothering people who are otherwise trying to live normal lives and don't have any desire to be a part of a cartoon fantasy
This phone app takes generally overgrown teenagers who haven't yet experienced what life is about and enables them to be their annoying intrusive selves in public. I imagine I'll be walking around school and someone will be like "OMG!!!! xDDDD Theres a RATTATA IN THE CLASSROOM!!!!" and loudly interact with it while other people are just looking in horror.
It's also super exploitative for money. At this point, people know that weebs will spend fucking anything for memoribilia. People spend literal hundreds on amiibos and they don't even have jobs, lmfao. People will happily spend literally anything to get their hands on this shit, and it's really not complex software. Imagine this like putting a dollar into a slot machine and literally getting like $100,000 instantly.
It's terrible and I'm so sad that I have to be on college campus when this comes out because I'm literally going to want to kill myself from how much cringe is going to happen.
Liked by: SevereFlame Eme
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do u still have reiji's youre so damn hot? i need that map and he deleted it ;w;

Yeah but I'm fucking banned im too sad to go on osu

I agree with that guy, you should lower the douchebaggery a bit dude, it's not cool.

Considering that you don't even have the decency to at least make your question not anonymous I'm really not inclined to cater to your desires.

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