Chandler Richards


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To your long answer: *then

I could be totally wrong, but I thought than was a comparison word, like 'as opposed to', and then is used in sequence stuff. Like 'I'd do this, then this, then this, and finally this.' 'I'd rather fuck Beyoncé than kill her.' Vs 'I'd rather fuck Beyoncé, then kill her.' I could be wrong though

What career do you want to pursue?

Well after I graduate, I'm not gonna have any money and it's not like I'll get a scholarship. My dad's going to kick me out too haha. As long as I'm staying somewhere with instruments that I can play whenever, I'm cool. I've already talked to playground music about letting me get started there so that's p cool

What normally happens when you confess your feelings to someone?

'Chan, you know I care about you, right' blah blah friends n shit. But don't say 'confess'. You make it sound like a bad thing. Sure, saying how you feel might not work out a lot for some people (me), but there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. If the person you're talking to can't at least respect the fact that you said anything at all, than fuck em


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