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ROADTRIP! Where are you going and who are you taking with you?

going Batam next 2 weeks! 😍 with my bf ofc 😘

It's probably karma for you that he's got a gf that fast. Doesn't this action seem familiar to you? So stop complaining. :)


but his friend say he miss u and how come he is attached to another girl ?

wah. good question. i dont even know how to answer you. you go ask him yourself?

that you will cold reply him or whatsoever ... and he in ask me to tell you anything . he just tell me about what he feels like doing just that he is scared

oh. okay. but thanks though. never really think so much now. if he text i'll just reply him normal. like friend chat? no feel to scold him or what. if he chat with me rude or what, i wont even reply him.

bullshit sia his friend. dont care la.

haha. nah i wont care. but just wondering is he the one who send me all those by himself..


if he really miss me, he should tell me personally and not tell you. i dont know what to say ah. if he dont dare ws me or what then let him be. doesnt want to care so much.

waolao. don care about such people that always ask you things about him. if he really miss you, he should just tell you personally and not ask his friend to tell you. he is such a jerk.

i wonder who is the him. i had no idea too.


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