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Latest answers from yao

just tell me who you think I am :D

I don't want to :p maybe i'm wrong, i don't wanna fail. Just one hint :( pweeez :x

LOL...I dont want you to know thats why iam not giving any hints...I like it this way...but I am surprisingly close :D btw...how is your pinkie ?? :P

Omg !!, my pinkie is fine thanks for asking :o, i might know who you are now. But maybeeee one hint would do. ._.

no..but who did you think it was?? a girl or a guy??

Idk im just randomly guessing, you aren't giving me any hints :p, so are you a guy or a girl?

ohhh its soon..happy birthday :D I guess I am out of questions now...when I feel like asking something else I will :)

Thank you, just one last question does your name start with an "A" :x

maybe she told another friend of hers...or maybe she is not the one who told...lots of people knows you like tabola and redbull. ..maybe hussam told someone...I dont know... anyway..how old are you??

Im 15 years old, turning 16 on june 13th, and idk who you are, but i would like to know !! So tell me ur name please.. :x c'mooon

maybe you think you know me because I know that you like tabola and redbull..but why wouldnt you you consider the the one who knows told me??

Because only my sister know that, and who would she tell? :p

Language: English