
Caitlin Taylor

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Just dropping by to say... You're beautiful and amazing and I love you(: hope you had a good day <3

naaw :') I love you soo much <3 I hope you had a good day too xx

If there is one thing that you could change about the past, what would that be?

Nothing. Like I know that I have made mistakes, I know I have handled things the wrong way, I know I have hurt people and I know I have stuffed up big time in the past. But honestly I wouldn't change any of it. I have made mistakes, so what? Everyone has. I have learnt from my mistakes and they have made me into a better person. My past has made me the person I am today so I wouldn't change any of it.

thoughts on kimberleigh aka sexiest chick evs?

She is for sure the sexist chick ever, she is one of my bests friends and means a lot to me. She is always there when I need her and gives the best advice ever. She is really funny, smart, kind, cool, sporty etc. she is the besst singer out ;) and she knows how to have some fun, she makes me laugh so much and she is really easy to talk to because she just gets it :-) she is a beautiful strong girl who I love a lot :-)
Liked by: Kimberleigh Murray

can you tell your aunty to stop slapping her boobs in my face please.

Can you stop sending me and all my friends the same weird questions? Lol

what did you do that "stuffed up" your relationship with Hayley?

I was the one who drifted apart from her, like it was my fault we drifted apart and I know that. I became uncomfortable around our group of friends (Don't ask me why, I was probably just being an over dramatic year 9) and I was wanted to drift apart from these friends we had but she was still friends with them and stuff so I ended up just drifting apart from her as well. I know I stuffed up and I could've handled the situation better but at the end of the day I was year 9, I was stupid and I didn't stop to have a look at the bigger picture.

Thoughts on tayla merrett?

Used to be tight with her back in the intermediate days but we don't talk anymore which isn't good. From what I hear she seems really nice and pretty cool :-) I think shes really really prettty :-)

I would love to be you, you're beautiful and genuinely amazing.

Are you serious?.. I saw this an literally just stared at it for a solid 5minutes in surprise :O You are honestly too nice and too amazing to wanna be like someone like me. I love you anon <3

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I will be 21 in 5 years from now so theoretically I should be in uni/just finishing uni. I will hopefully be living with friends somewhere, hopefully I'll have a good part time job and maybe by then I will be with the love of my life? Who freaking knows lul
Liked by: Natalia

Would you like a relationship right now? (:

Ummmm I honestly don't know, I think I have commitment issues or something cause Im stupid like that.

Do you wear makeup often or are you comfortable enough with yourself?

I am not comfortable with myself. But I don't wear makeup often either mainly because I am too lazy and scared that if I put on any makeup I will look fake or like a cake face.
Liked by: Kimberleigh Murray

Last time someone made you really happy?

Last night, I am so grateful for the amazing group of friends that I have. I would honestly be lost without them, I Iove them to pieces <3
Liked by: Alex MacWilliam

Thoughts on Hayley?

I used to be really tight with her and now we barely talk but that's okay because shit happens and I know it was my fault so if you are here to blame me go ahead because I know that I'm the one to blame for us drifting apart, I stuffed up and I know I did. But I think shes amazing, shes so nice and pretty. As I previously stated I don't really talk to her anymore so I don't really know her that well anymore but yeah she is nice as, she has a good heart and everyone seems to like her :-)


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