
Caitlin Tedaldi

hello maam well i have just come byy totell you that the sheep are fucking tireddof being shaved! one sheep reported, " I have no god damn wool to keep me warm in the fall and winter anymore" god damn u americans and ur god damn uggsss! "why i oughtta! im gonna kill all of u just wait

maybe ur god damn sheep should buy their own uggs
Liked by: Bayla Sebel
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Latest answers from Caitlin Tedaldi

Paul McCartney said: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian." What do you think about it?

That if u saw what people did to animals u wouldn't eat them.

do you think a guy is an asshole if he dictates who the woman he loves can or can't talk to? for instance, texting her best friend. he took her phone (shes an adult 38 years old) and told her best friend she can no longer speak to her best friend ....

No that's just plain creepy.

Language: English