
Callie Burns(✔)

Ask @CallieBurns

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age; sex; virgin; from; full name; bestfriend; relationship status; phone number;

age; 13
sex; female
virgin; yes.
from; scotland
full name; oh god.... callie-ann burns
bestfriend; i have many, but kay,ashley,morgan,courtney etc
relationship status; in a relationship
phone number; 999

Honestly, if any answers about me come up just dont answer them, thats what im doing! Your just looking for an argument.

Cailey Doyle
i said ill answer everything, so thats what i did, okok.
its hardly looking for an argument, thats something you would do.
and ok, i wont answer em:)

Does Cailey stuff her bra? They seem to grow and shrink everyday..

ask her, not me...how am i ment to know hahahaaa..x


Language: English