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Jordy_Campbell’s Profile Photo AlexBaileyy’s Profile Photo

Latest answers from CallumNattress

Oh wow lolz btw how do you add pictures into these cuz i have no idea

on the answer thing there is a camera symbol

How many different carrots would it take to simultaneously objectify a small group of marshmallows?

Hey Alex :D

anon-I'm getting fucking pissed off now! this is ridiculous, you don't like me, don't bitch about me! espicially not through my friends! I think your an evil person! why would Iie? it's ridiculous, I wouldn't lie about any of the shit I've been through! you don't know Me, don't pretend you do!

RebeccaLahb’s Profile PhotoRebecca Lahb

You can say whatever you want she's a liar

Wow, how can you argue against official government documentation? I've read it myself, it proves every single one of your allegations wrong.


Yeah, whatever. Maybe those allegations of yours are completely out of order and also incorrect. Bye :)

Not sure you understand I will remain completly anonymous

Yes, I do understand that after receiving your pointless, uncalled for and inaccurate allegations for the last few hours.

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