
Callum Riding

Ask @CallumRiding

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Opinion on collette pickering... Or Collette "slater" as she's known now.

Not really spoken to her that much but she seems like a nice girl tbh :)

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your all bellends, callums so nice and hes 100% an absolute babe, love him lots Xxx

Awww thanks anon :') that's really nice of you <3

Why are you after Becca Marie she is fat and smelly

I don't remember saying I was after her...not that it is any of your business,
And who the fuck are you to judge anyone, I have seen becca in person she isnt fat and she isn't 'smelly' but seriously what are you 12 if that is the sort of fucking insults you come up with you worthless scum...why don't you go and play on some train tracks and stop wasting everyone's time and oxygen...cunt.

All these picks are only sayin shit cause theyre jealous. Peopke are only nasty to others because theyre insecure about themselves. youre actually really good lookin and youre one of the nicest peopke ive ever met. Please never change cause id be sad. I also miss you a fair bit. Not seen you for ag

They have nothing to be jealous of though...
I'm not good looking in the slightest, but thanks.
I'm most certainly nit one of the nicest people either haha.
Who is this? I can't really say I miss you because I don't know who you are :')

You've set ask.fm up to recieve abuse? Bit silly really and their dick-ish opinions should mean fuck all to you

Yes, I set up ask.fm to receive abuse...of course I didn't, I set it up because I just thought I would get asked some random questions and it would be funny...
It's not their opinions that mean anything to me its what they are saying that does because some of the stuff they are saying are things I have thought for a long time anyway...

Seriously telling Cal to kill him self? thats gross! What type of person are you to say that to someone? hes a awesome guy so stop trying to make yourself feel better by bringing someone else down

Laura Lily Pandapops
Thank you sweetie :)<3

'Nobody will ever love you' seriously?!?! You're a normal nice guy! The worst you could have done to these people is piss them off maybe, and that certainly doesn't warrant that. If you're going to be a vile cowardly excuse for a human being, at least have the balls to show your name to add some sub

I'd respect them as a person more if they had the bollox to say this to my face or at least come off anonymous tbh haha

I saw you in wigan on Friday you looked hot, I wanted to talk to you but I was scared

Aww thank you :$ why didn't you come say hi...there is no need to be scared :')

Do you? I maybe not the person you think i am o: ahah

I'm only messaging One person and that started after I asked you to message me and you said you had done...so unless you lied then I guess I know who you are :')

Im not being "poop" ahaha okayokay:')

I disagree...I think you are being very poop indeed aha just message me :')

Its not been awkward and i havnt told you aha idk :')

Don't be a poop :') just message me on facebook and tell me or message me on here haha


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