
Cameron Dallas

what would you do if your girlfriend self harmed?

What would I do?
I would text her saying 'bye' then walk out my door with her favorite film and food, I'd run to hers as fast as possible, I'd sit in front of her look her in the eyes and say 'i love you so much then I write my name on her arm and say "every time you cute, you're killing me" and just explain how none of this is helping it's just leaving ugly scares on her arms that aren't needed, I'd say to her "you know the saying kiss it better? Yeah that's what I'm going to do now" then kiss every single scare she has, big or small. I'd just explain how self harming can be come a addiction, I'd tell her how she can stop, I wouldn't tell anyone what she has done because some cunts out there. I'd do anything to make her stop. I'd say "you're perfect in every way possible, don't ruin anything will ugly scares, you'll always beautiful to me gorgeous" I'd stick the film on, we'd eat then she'd fall asleep in my arms and then I'd slowly slip out from beneath her and leave a note on some paper beside her bed saying "I love you so much baby, don't cut again for me?" then I'd make sure she didn't do it again and i'd carry on loving her no matter what.
what would you do if your girlfriend self harmed
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