
Cameron Dallas

What would you do with your girlfriend

Give her my favourite hoodie for her to wear whenever she's cold or missing me. Try and make cakes or stuff with her and end up having a fight with the mixture and then go have a shower with her to wash it off. Go for long walks with her and find a long field to lie down in and cuddle and just watch the world go by, if she got tired I'd give her a piggyback. I'd do her hair for her and then we'd laugh at how badly I'd done it. We'd call each other silly nicknames that only we understood. We'd insult each other and make faces at each other but we'd take it all as a joke. I'd kiss her randomly all the time just to show how much I love her and cuddle her from behind while she's speaking to her friends. I'd hold and kiss her in the rain. I'd cuddle her and kiss her in front of my friends to make them jealous of my gorgeous girl. Stay in and watch films with her and eat pizza and chocolate until she falls asleep on me then I'd carry her to bed and cuddle up with her and fall asleep. I'd lay in bed with her and cuddle her and talk about anything we can think of until she falls asleep on my chest. I'd teach her to play the Xbox and I'd let her win because I'm nice ;) we'd feed each other food and get it all over each other and we'd find it hilarious and get the giggles. I'd take her out to get food, watch a film or go shopping ALL the time and spoil her rotten. I'd do anything I could as long as it made her happy because the thing I'd want to see all the time is her smile. <3
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