
Carol Ann Williams

Ask @CaroMann2015

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How do so many people know you? Every time I see you in the halls, everyone is saying your name. Why? You're just a nobody, wtf. You're in band! WTF?!

Okay for one, there is nothing wrong with me being in band. Every proud and exciting moment of my life in that high school happens every Friday night I step out on that field and take that solo. Probably more than you'll ever do. You don't have the balls to do that. Second of all, I'm Carol Freaking Williams.Get over yourself, seriously. I don't understand people like you. Get a life.

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What has been the scariest experience in your life?

Okay so...I was in someone's vehicle one night and they hit something. Scariest moment of my life. I'll never forget it.
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If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

I would choose right after I turned 16. Life was amazing then. It would be great if I could live that forever.


Language: English