
Carson Gallagher

Ask @CarsonG

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r u a flyer?

I'm a flyer and a base. It depends on how many builds our coach wants and what she wants the flyers to do.

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so sorry for you. thats a horrible thing to go throuhg. just keep strong. another prince is out there for you.

I know, but it helped me learn to be more cautious of who I date.

did she tell you whyshe hooked up with him?

Yeah. Someone in our school was throwing a party and my bf and I were going together. The party was alright, but then I noticed alcohol going around, and I left because I couldn't get caught at a party where alcohol was being served with college coming soon. He didn't leave because hif friends had just gotten there and he wanted to hang out with them. He doesn't drink, so I wasn't concerned that he was going to have a drink. My friend told me that a little bit after I left, he was drinking beer and vodka, and someone convinced her to have some vodka, and the bothe kept drinking botles of vodka t o the point where they were really drunk. She said she went over to him to ask where I was, and he ended up grabbing her ass and kissing her. She said he pulled her to an empty bedroom upstairs and forced her ot have sex with him. I still don't really believe that story she told me, becaus eshe was drunk out of her mind. Either way, they hooked up.

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did ur friend tell u she liked him?

No. When we first started dating, she was actually really happy for us, especially me becaus eh was my first real boyfriend. I would never expect her to hook up with him.

thats such a bitchy thing for a friend to do. shame on her. shame on him. he lost such a beautiful girl.

Aww thanks so much :)

aww :'( thats horrible.

Yeah :/ I couldn't stop crying for days because he was my first real bf ever, and we ended the worst way possible, and I really really liked him, plus he cheated on my with a friend. That was the hardest part.

how did u celebrate new years?

Usually I go into the city to Times Square, but this year we took a vacation skiing in Utah. On NYE they had fireworks and we had a party at our ski condo on the mountain.

still single?

I was in one for a few months, but he ended up cheating on me with one of my friends, so I'm single again, and not friends with her anymore!

fav christmas gift?

I got the iPhone 5s this year and the new iPad. :) But my favorite has to be the fact that I got to spend time with my family, because we're a big family and I never get to see them all together, and Christmas is the only time I can see my whole entire family together.

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

Honestly, people should be able to love who they want to loves. I don't understand why some people hate on Lesbis, Bi's, and Gays. It doesn't affect you, so why do you care? People should be able to love who they want to love without others being rude to them.

what do you hate about this website?

People talking about sex get's quite annoying after a while, and I hate how you're judged on here based on what you look like. People send you rude hate if they don't think you're pretty enough, like seriously? Grow some fucking balls and stop hating on people just because you don't think they're pretty. (Btw, everyone is beautiful so your argument is invalid)

fav sport?

Umm well I like cheerleading the most out of all the sports I play, but since some don't consider cheerleading a sport I guess volleyball or skiing, but I love to watch football.
Liked by: Melena


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