
Catarina Aimée Dahms

Ask @CataPirata

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Tu estilo bastante psicodélico me hace pensar en The Flaming Lips! (No sé si conoces)

gracias! si los conozco, tocamos juntos en un par de festivales! :-)

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Cata, soy de Argentina y me llamo casi igual que vos (Catalina). Llegué a conocer tu música por medio de Calu Rivero, que pensas de ella?

me encanta tu nombre! :-) y @RiveroCalu es divina!

Ahah, when my friends will know that you noticed..... *-* You made my day !Really hope to enjoy your psychedelic world again at Le Chien à plumes' 2015 edition :)

haha :-) me too!!! :-) #LeChienAPlumes :-)

I saw you at Le Chien a Plumes two weeks ago! I completely fell in love with Skip & Die and you, of course (I made a heart with my hands all show long but you didn't notice it... I'm so deeply heartbroken!!). But, well, you music is magical as hell.....

I NOTICED!!!! i even smiled at you! Didn't you notice me smile??? now I am heartbroken, haha! ;-)

Hi! Soy de Ucrania! Tu música está llena de magia! Gracias por esta maravillosa música! Buena suerte! Te amo <3

<3 <3 <3 mucho mucho amor, magia y suerte para ti también!

Hi Cata! Fantastic performance in Arenal Sound 2014. I didn't know anything about you or your group and I enjoyed a lot watching you on the stage. You are really pretty and I love the way you see life. Kisses :)

Gracias!! @ArenalSound fue increíble! we had a great time - thank you for sharing the positive vibes with us! :-)

Haha well you can shag me whenever you want, wherever you want and however you want if you want xD

hahaha you are so generous ;-P hahaha!

rly cata pirata i love you're music, i discover skip and die at besancon in france and i see you 5 times after this your show are all perfect thanks for this one question when skip and die return in france ? sorry for my bad english

Kévin, Millet
merci bien!! 5 times!! fantastique! we'll be back once we've finished working on our new album! our shows here: http://skipndie.com/index.html#shows

no venian a arg en septiembre? No pueden anunciar un show con tan poco tiempo:c

25 sept La Plata / 27 sept Baires > (más información a seguir!)

whats your nationality? where were you born? how old are you?

i'm Intergalactic - this lifetime i was born in Johannesburg South Africa - i'm 444 years old

Do you like being alone?

I do. Being alone gives me space to collect my thoughts and start writing new songs and developing new ideas in my own energy bubble.


Language: English