

Ask @CertifiedBanji

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Do you think getting older (40, 50, 60) is depressing for people or a happy occasion?😶

It depends on their life during the younger years. If you lived life while young, you’re happy to age because you’ve already done it all. If your young life is lousy, you’ll feel unfulfilled.

What are your further expectations from life , would it be easy or hard ?

I don’t ever expect life to be easy but I sure would love for it to be easier at some point.

Can we not upload selfies on here without somebody asking us to post a picture? I can't figure it out lol. Help.

Only if you do a photo poll

How can I overcome my shyness and be me? A free soul.

Being shy usually has to do with being overly concerned with how others view you. So, learn how to do things without worrying about how others will perceive you.

What do you need to do if you have a stalker and you don’t have any proof to show the police?

Change locations or if that’s not possible, carry around protection such as a taser or gun but only if you’re licensed.

Have you ever like dated someone that doesn’t know how they feel ?

Yes, and that’s how they ended up single again.

What?☹?? causes diseases?

Genetics, germs, intercourse, disease ridden cells in your body… multiple things can cause diseases.

How do meditate without getting distracted?

The best time to mediate is when you’re alone. Like when no one is home… or if you take a yoga class. If you can never find any alone time, alert the people around you that you’ll be meditating at a certain time, grab some headphones, turn on relaxing sounds, and start the meditation.

¿iPhone o Android?

Both have their good and bad qualities so I can’t choose. If we’re being honest, iPhone just looks better but quality-wise, a lot of NEW androids are on the same level.

??What would you say to your young self and why?

I would say “Don’t date them! Matter of fact don’t date all because you’ll experience heartbreak too young; you already deal with enough crap.”

Do you know people with whom you want to improve contact, but can't?Why can't you?Who are these people?

Yeah a couple of them and I can’t because my situation with both of them is too complicated.


Language: English