
Chad Ritchie (Chadwick)

Ask @ChadRitchie

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What ??

You've done everything for me when we were together, you let me see you, be with you, spend time with me cared for me and loved me. The best part of seeing you again after the week of breaking up and coming round you house, I got the chance to fall in love with you, all over again.
Liked by: Angel4871


Exactly, but if this is my ex, do you want to know what the best part of seeing you on the last day when I came round your house one last time to say goodbye to you?

I hate reading about the past

Yeah I know you do, but you can't go back to the past you got to keep looking forward to the future I guess aha

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I know what love it and how to show it and if this is who I think it is? Well all I can say is I'm sorry I truly am, and I know sorry means you won't do it again, but the fact of giving up in weed and smoke and the rest made me realise that wasn't me? I am Chad Thomas Ritchie the most nicest caring honest trustworthy and loyal person on this planet. It's also made me feel better and strong and healthier. The only thing is I've been so upset I lost everything friendships? My life and also one special girl I loved "my ex" 😔 The one girl who actually gave me a chance and loved me for me not what others thinked or thought of me. The one girl who cherrished everything to me just to make me happy. All I want is this girl to be happy and the best for her. If she is still with this guy then I'm happy for her always have and always will be. I also stuck to my promise of loving her still when she thought I may of moved on and haven't found any other girl because the only girl I loved is my ex. But her friends also hate me and didn't let her choice her own choices in life and what was best for her and I found that unfair because I liked her friends because I struggle with make friends with my autism and I was thankful that they all gave me a chance. Its also the same with Mac, he will always be my childhood friend from the age of 4 and I still care about him as a brother and a friend, and I would NEVER hurt him but I can't be friends with him as things chance as you get older! And with Joe I cared about him too, I knew him from college, and we never became friends till he found out I was hanging out with Vinny, Joe has always backed him up, helped me out with food and he also helped me get the bus to see my ex as I had no money at the time and I always paided him back. So I was thankful to have Joe as a mate but things change. I guess for the best 😞😔 But what can you do ey? I knew a lot about my ex, I knew her for a good 3 months and asked her out after and in the relationship I was with her in it was sooo perfect, laying on her lap in the grass, when me Mac and Joe came down in the car at one night, and also my fav was seeing her beautiful face everytime I came down to Chesham ☺ The last time I came round her house and said goodbye to her was the sadest time I had with her, she knew what I had been through in my past all the time I got hurt, and goodbye is the hardest thing to say to someone 😔 Even when you loved that person. I never meant to my ex, I just regretted what I did and I'm sorry💞

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Like 4-6 months ago

4-6 months ago? Are you 17 years old going to be 18 on March 12 1998, lives in Chesham, has an older sister, a dad, likes to smoke weed, chills near Sainsburys and goes to the park at times, doesn't always eat, likes her neck kisses and when I used to go mwha mwha mwha when I missed her cheeks. Has a kind and caring cousin and really nice friends that are always there for her? Because that was the girl I was going out with from the 4-6 months ago and she was the best thing that ever happened to me and I ruined everything cause I did something so stupid I regretted and I would take away that day of what I did so much, when I hurt this girl. I cared about her a lot and wanted the best for her. I loved everything about her, her perfect smile, her beautiful eyes and her amazing lips. The way she said "don't do that" or "oh my" in the cutest way! When I got to pick her up in public or kissed her around people. When we went for walk or to her house, watch Disney movies and stayed over nights, when I first met her hiding behind a wall with one of her good mates, when I came off the train station, seeing an frizzy orange drink I couldn't buy in Aylesbury the only place to get it was in Chesham and also when I first kissed her on the bench. I couldn't get her out of my head cause she was that perfect! I loved her more than anything in the world! I can't get her back cause of what I did and cause she is in a relationship with someone now who I don't like.. I can't change that cause I wanted the best for this girl and I loved her like my princess. I gave up a lot, the weed, the coke, smoking, stopped hanging around with Joe Tite, Mac Leahy and Chris Lidgget, everything because I felt so bad what I did I couldn't bare to upset this girl anymore because my love for her was so strong! I phoned her, texted her, telling her how much I loved her! I would take back every piece of a puzzle with this girl and put it all back together! Step by Step! I'd also love to go back in time and see every memory I had with this girl, and keep all the good stuff and change every bad thing I did, the arguements, the shouting every bad thing I did! At time she knew she was in the wrong and felt bad but she was caring and said she was sorry but when I was in the wrong I chased after her grabbed her hand kissed her and told her I loved her and how sorry I really was! I do miss my ex yes she was the best thing that happened to me? Would I have a sec change with her? In a heart beat! I'd come back and see her again and start over with this girl one more time and never let her go! xxxx

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🖕🏻🖕🏻you broke my heart is that a big enough hint

I broke you heart? When? Now I'm really confused? Where do you live and age? If I guess it right you come off anon and I'll tell you who my second chance would be...


Ok, if I know you and your a girl? How old are you and where do you live? Also have I gone out with you before? Did we go to the same school or college? Give me a hint how I know you?

That's the whole point about anon questions

Yeah and it's annoying me? It stupid.. Do I know you or have I ever met you before?

Your soooo rude aha

How am I do rude when I'm asking you nicely to come off anon? I can't answer your question if I don't know who you are?

What makes a person “good”?

Kind, helpful, caring, understanding, patient, and lovingare some of the words that come to mind

Best Disney villain and why? Best Disney Princess and why? Best Disney Hero and why? Best Disney Prince and why? Best Disney film and why? Best Disney song and why? I'm asking everyone i follow 'coz i'm in a Disney mood XD So if you get this i follow you <3

1. Hm don't know? I like them all
2. Rapunzel - She's amazing
3. Peter Pan - He's my favourite character that always wins against Captain Hook
4. Toy Story - OMG I love the film seen all of them, also Finding Nemo nothing will beat that film
5. All the Frozen songs - Do you want to build a snowman and Summer
Aw it's ok you can ask me anything :) and I did get it just now, also I'm already following you so? x

Sent to everyone i follow, in a bad mood, need cheering up, so opinion on me pls? (be nice) x

Well I can't give you an opinion when you're on anon and I don't know who you are? x


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