

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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Hi there! qvq I'm too shy to PM you personally (I look up to you a lot, haha c:), and this may seem a little weird asking you here.. but I was wondering, for plumerian #100 - will art be a large factor in the competition (vs writing)? As well, quantity or quality? Thanks! :>

I like both art and writing! <3
Quality over quantity ♥
Liked by: sooshy

I think a suggestion thread would be really great because the fanclub is getting quite spammy again with design suggestions <3

Yeah, people seem to have forgotten/not noticed my announcement ; v ;
Liked by: mintyMocha

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-gently places Deimos and Toxicity- Deimos;; Oh not again. quq;; || Toxicity;; -smirks- Hey there!

Nutmeg;; Hi!! Hi, hi -grins goofily- I just had coffeeee yay~!
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Liked by: Dare

Kias and micros: two people that first pop into your head

xD I have no clue for my Kias, they are friend-free q___q
but micros ;;
Skylar: Edmund (whoever he is?)
Pandora: Nemo
ummm idek q____q sighs
Liked by: sharkkpaws

Are you a city or a nature person?

I enjoy telling myself that I'd frolic amongst baby animals and flowers like a disney princess but tbh I couldn't go a day without my iPhone or air conditioning, so q v q
Liked by: Bru

I send you way too many questions I'm sorry xD // Izy;; -stares at Skylar- are you Edmund's friend-girl?? e w e

skylar ;; -blinks- who is edmund ??
Liked by: sharkkpaws

when will the mod search close?

"I have no clue when this will end, don't ask."
\\flies off into the sunset//
Liked by: sooshy

will there be another jm today? and when will be the next day of the raffle?

probably not and today \ v /
Liked by: Dare

next time you do a GA search, can you do one where we have to enter entries? owo

I don't think so - it's quite inconvenient and there's always the issue of people making illegal plumies^^
Liked by: oh deer

do plumerians have claws?

You can draw them with or without -- the main lines have them without but I sometimes draw them with x'D
Liked by: Dare

Can we suggest plumie designs? If so, a coffee/cappuccino one would be amazing and I would love you forever ;o; Or a mocha one.

Yeah suggestions are always welcome!
Hmm that could be fun, I'd have to think about how to design it :3
Liked by: Dare

If you could have a custom of any species, what would it be?

Hmm, JBD would be super cool *v*
If they don't count cause they're closed, then probably kiamara<3
Liked by: Dare

Char bby we haven't talked in forever I miss you D':

Sobs ikr!! O A O
I need to reply to our RPs I'm sorry hnnng<333
Liked by: Dare


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