

Ask @geefriend45

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If you run away from your problems, does it count as exercise?

are you ok ask.fm???
what kind of a daily question is this im concerned
Liked by: Ashe

screeches can I be a dinobro that sounds so cool!

the dinobros were just what we called our friend group xD idk if it's really a thing anymore

What's the last text msg you received?

i haven't gotten a text in weeks,,
apparently it was my mom asking where i was

who are a few cs users you wished you talked to more?

aaa idk, there's a lot of people who seem really nice but im bad at talking to people qwq
i miss talking to the dinobros too, idk where they all went

Is it better to be loved or feared?

I'd say loved, I don't want to be feared ;w;
when people tell me they were afraid of me before we became friends I'm just like "no pls"

How can a person on the internet become friends with you?

Hmm it's hard to say, it just kinda happens tbh
Just be someone I chat with a lot??
One way not to be my friend is to directly say "I want to be your friend" because I'll be really awkward and not know what to do :') (this has happened before and i fri)

What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?

I have a sort of faint blob of a scar on my arm from a run-in with the math classroom, and one on top of my head (I actually have no idea what it looks like) from when a rock fell on me


Language: English