

Ask @Cheergirl12345

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On purpose u flooded it if u did thats impressive

just_have_nothing_to_do’s Profile PhotoJustin Poindexter
Haha yeah it was I was 7 and i got in a lot of trouble and has to miss Fourth of July :( and I tried to blame it on the 3 year old next door but it didn't work :(

Have you met anyone off ask fm or has anyone recognized you

Haha yes today 3 people recognized me and my brother :)

Y would she give out her number that would suck that many txts and she would have to have unlimited txting

Haha I have unlimited everything so it wouldent matter but I have like 600 kicks and don't need anymore texts

Thoughts on

You're my bestie and you're always there for me whenever I need to talk to you you're really nice and fricken funny !! You're accent is hilarious because you sound like a girl jk jk but luv you and can't wait to hangout soon :)


Language: English