

Ask @ChehakChandalia

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If you met someone, just like yourself in every way, would you get along? Why or why not?

NaughtyBoyyy’s Profile PhotoNaughtyBoyyy
Ummm..I lyk ppl who r lyk me..bt nt in every way I guess...I wud lyk a company they r givin' me ..bt I dnt know whether I wud get along wid dem or not ..:/ bcuz I simply cnt predict wat my mind nd heart wud say at dat tym :P

Do you trust your friends?

yaa..alot but it hurts when they brk it :'( It keeps killing inside when one of ur nyc nd close frnd sumtyms hve a misunderstanding abt u nd fights wid u ..say u whatever they want even after knowning dat it wud hurt dem ..>_< nd den jst cum nd say d word Sorry ..knowing it's not enough for wat they did ..:/
I jst cnt forget dat incident ..>_< frndship once broken ..cn nvr b repaired ..ppl cn bcum frnds resolving d matters ..but frndship is like a thread once broken ..it cn b re-joined bt ..there's still a knot ..nd knot cn open nytym .. :/

What was the last time you were angry? What happened?

today only >:o
sumbody ws so busy since yesterday dat didn't even got tym 2 reply a msg or even see it....>:o I jst hate it when there's written "Seen" bt no reply after dat .. :( :'( >_<
Liked by: Shahrukh Ansari


Language: English