
Michelle Leigh Mullins

Ask @ChellBell220

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What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

1. You’re my girlfriend.
2. You’re Michelle
3. You just are
4. I love youuuuu❤️
This was sweet, there's too many sweet things he's said to me so.....<3

Would you leave your home country for the one you love?

Yep as long as he loves me back:)) and I could go see my family every week or two:))

What are your favorite junk foods?

Chips, ice cream, cake, brownies, sodas, CHOCOLATE!!!!!! All kinds it don't matter I love food period haha

What is something you wish you were better at?

Not being so shy to be myself and sticking up for myself. It's hard wen u get shy a lot and don't know how to handle it.

If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

This crazy white girl!!! Most deff

What sport do you do?

I tumble but I want to cheer next semester or whatever. I was a cheerleader before and I know in good at it;)

What kind of movies do you most enjoy?

Scary!!!! Especially when your bf is beside you, so you can cuddle up to them when you get scared, and they'll comfort you and hold you so you won't be as scared<3

What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?

I think it would be from my dad... He got me my first snow globe, it's from his heart and that's all that matters. But hopefully this birthday will be better<3

Tbh : I fucking love you with all my heart. You have helped me through a lot. We have been through a lot to but i am blessed to see we made it through. I LOVE YOU!

Sarah Nicole Parry
Aweeee I love you too sweetie!!! That just made my night love!!! Thank you so much!! I'm so happy out friendship is so much stronger than before!!!:) I LOVE YOU TO DEATH SARAH!!!!
Liked by: Sarah Nicole Parry

What's the most interesting object in your room?

I'd have to say..... My huge sonic stuffed animal in the corner of my room:)

What do you think people think of you?

Tbh I don't honestly care, I wasn't put here to care what people thought of me, I was put here to be me and nobody's going to change that. I'm me and if you don't like it, oh well, I know people that love me inside and out and that's all that matters to me:)


Language: English