

Ask @ChelseaBlack97

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Can you explain to me why I shouldn't give up hope in trying to look for someone to be with because I'm honestly so close to fucking giving up forever and excepting I'm forever alone

Stop looking.... That's where you're going wrong.

every body has problem dont let it get u down u very cute with a beautiful smile

I'm aware everyone has problems... You don't know what's going on behind closed doors with anyone. Yes i'm down but reality i never show it. No one ever know's whats really wrong etc... I have a smile on my face every single day and hide everything. I'm entitled to go through a bad patch just like everyone else. I'm not not nor do i have a beautiful smile but thank you anyway anon :D

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if you're talking to the one you have a crush on and you's are close then call another girl pretty then my personal opinion is that it's disrespectful yes.... Like you're supposed to make her feel better than everyone else :)

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all the time :( I don't even know what to do man! Do i even have one!

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for pure happiness. No confusion, no lies, no secrets, no other people getting in the way, no cheating, no playing games.... It's really not much to ask for. OH WAIT. In today's day and age... it is.

If you could do anything now, what would you do?

I would walk up to one girl and i would kiss her, and never let her go :'(


Language: English