

Ask @Chininyy

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I know everyone has Facebook account. Before you accept any friend request, what do you usually do? just confirm, look to their profile picture, see their user name, or see if we have mutual friend?

sreynyhout3’s Profile PhotoJenny
Mutual friend

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เคยโดนทักว่าโตแล้ว โตแล้วนี่หมายความว่าไงหรอ น่าแก่รึป่าว...คือโดนหลอกด่าเหรอ

DP03_Purin’s Profile Photo(:P U R I N:)
I don’t know thai sorry ehheheh :3
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I graduated in fashion, but right now im learning music. Should i go for both? Like work as fashion assistance and learn music after work.

Yeahhh you should Both is good

I know that’s why he chose love over pity :( thank for your answer....... night~

Yep welcome hahahhaha

I wanna know that is it okay for girl to ask guy on a date first? What if he reject?

Yeah why not it normal if he reject just be normal I guess hahahh still being nice like u use to be to him ehheheh

I totally agree your opinion. He said he can wait to hand the book for me (i need to leave from work to school), should i buy him coffee as he wait for me?

But how close you and him? If you guys pretty close yeah why not haha be friendly ;)

what does it mean when your crush lend you romantic love book? p.s: you borrow him first. but he agrees to.

Maybe he just being nice because you ask him lol I guess hahahha


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