
chloe dickinson

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opinion on ethan pinnock

okay so i've been talking to him since the end of year 6 and i'm now going into year 9,i started talking to him through nicole parenzee who's dad lives in wokingham (where she used to live) meaning ethan and nicole went to the same primary,i was close to nicole in year 6 through my cousin and she talked to ethan about me and apparently he wanted to talk to me,so i messaged him,we didn't get close until about september of year 7 when we talked every day all day,i remember when i first called him aw,we used to spend every night on the phone for hours,we've been close since then and till are now despite the fact of the amount of fall outs we've had haha,ethan is basically my best friend,i tell him everything even things i wouldn't tell other people he always the first person i tell and i couldn't imagine not having someone like him around to talk to every day,no i've never met him but in 6 days i will have,he makes me so happy and actually cares,he's perf, love u ethy x

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