
Chloe Louise Norminton

Ask @ChloeLouiseNorminton

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What do u prefer a relationship were its long lastinging or a relationship where its short but you stay friends afterwards?

Well I'd prefer one where its long lasting and you both trust & love eachother, but if you're in a relationship where you can't trust eachother then just stay friends:)

I trusted you and I hear about you and marcus?!? WTF and u say u can't trust me?

wtf! get a life! swear i cant even talk to someone with out pathetic people like you making stuff up! omg just leave me alone u cretin!!!

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right who ever is giving chloe and her cousin beef i fucking dare you to put your name and i will come straight to you and take your jaw off so you can stop chatting shit now get gone and remove yourself


Hair* Ididnt say you were hating I was saying the comments before wtf half the fuk down bitch

Ok & 'half the fuk down bitch'?!? & yh its just coz we both keep getting hate for it:/

Ohh shut up man, she's a yr8 wanting to shave her head of for a really good thing so stop hating

She's not shaving her hair off she's shaving her hair off & am not hating, she's my cousin you div!


Language: English