

Dai ma scherzavo.. comunque te lo dico, ci ero arrivato gia la prima volta che ti avevo scritto

allora potevi rendermi le cose più facili no? :/
e io che mi stavo già facendo i film mentali di quando l'ho avresti scoperto ç-ç

Latest answers from Taniaaaa

Tell something about yourself. How old are you, what's your height?Favorite flower,favorite colors?What do you like to watch,what do you like to listen to?Favorite food,favorite cocktail?Your interest, your hobbies?What do you choose- pride or love?

1.56 🙃
Documentaries on serial killers/ cartoons/thriller/ Horror
Music 🤭
I think my hobby is making people around me happy. And magic has allowed me to achieve that.

Language: English