

Ask @ChrisWSS

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why wont you say what you have brought her? you haven't gotten her anything special unless its an occasion, let us be honest

I do buy her stuff. Not that you'd know because you don't know me

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Id still get her roses every day not just once in over a year. what else gave you brought her? apart from the odd noodles or w/e

I get her her favourites of things, and i'm not nice eh? Pft fuck off

Like what lol? Ive only seen you get her roses once. if I was you I would get her roses every day

Yeah YOU'VE only seen me get her roses once. YOU AREN'T A FUCKING MIND READER THAT'S WHY.

You tweet about wwe and that's it.. yeh you may be talking to her, but its still good to be a nice boyfriend and surprise her. even if it is just a tweet.

That's cause that's what I watch. So going to her house at midnight isn't being a nice boyfriend, buying her her favourite stuff.. All of this and you think i'm not a nice boyfriend. Thanks..
You don't know what the fuck goes on beyond your computer so leave it to me and Hannah yeah? cool
Liked by: Hannah♪

Nah, you said that you hardly go on twitter or w/e but she still always tweets about you and you never tweet to or about her

I did not to long ago, I'm talking to her constantly anyway and I only usually put up stuff about what i'm doing not what i'm feeling

Its true and you know it. she always tweets about you and you never do about her

I've just explained why you fucking moron

so? It's still nothing about her, she seems to love you more than you lover her.. Its kinda sad..


Nah, I mean like saying stuff about you two and stuff. You dont say anythin.. Its like youve lost love for her

If I didn't love her I wouldn't be with her.. I'm not on Twitter much unless i'm watching a film or something like that.

Still not as cute as hannah can be. and on twitter, you used to be really cute on there and now nothing??

No-one can be as cute as Hannah, I'm not cute at all.

I just asked Hannah but she said to ask ya... Why won't you be all cute and stuff like Hannah is on here?? it even seem like you wouldn't care if Hannah split with you?

Obviously I would care, I just said I'd die to keep this relationship going and that's not caring to you?
Liked by: Hannah♪

what would you do if hannah told you she wanted to split up?

Talk through it, try and sort things out, I'll fight to the death to keep this relationship going.


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