
(Seven) Ștefan Olbojan

Ask @ChristianCage978

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"Even innocent foolish children will grow up in the face of pain, until their thoughts and beliefs are the same as their doubts."

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Te iubeeeeeeeeeeesc

Love is the reason why there is pain. When we lose someone precious to us, hate is born. Vengeance is the product of that hate and so death follows. But in death there is only more death. This will give rise to more pains. In this cursed world we live in, it is a cycle of hatred that will not cease.


You desired a world... Where fear would no longer be a burden. But... In a world without fear of death... People will never attain the hope that is to be found from casting their fears aside and preserving through them. While it is true that people can continue to press forward through the simple act of living... That is no way comparable to marching forward in the face of death, while doing their damnedest to keep it at bay. That is why... That is why people have given that very march a unique and special name. "COURAGE."

Aaahhhhh!!!!.. Mi-am dat drumu iubiree..😫😩😰

"Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike while your opponent's back is turned."

Tema la libera alegere: posteaza ce doresti

"I guess it's only natural for inferior beings to ride on the coattails of their superior counterparts. If they wish to keep their lives, they have no choice but to obediently comply. It's a never ending chain... as the ones who are burdened with that trust, in order to escape that burden, seek to find someone even greater than themselves. These greater beings then seek others even greater than themselves to shelter them. This is how Gods are born. But make no mistake. They all still abide to me. Because from this point onward, you will witness first hand, the power of the God they foolishly placed their faith in. I will become that God they have no choice but to believe in."

Râd în 15 minute, dacă nu am ras, mai repeta gluma.

Mai baga o fisa. Unele glume sunt prea inteligente pentru random puleți.

Care are telegram? Am auzit ca wapp o sa ti fure date cu ajutorul fb ului, documentati va inainte sa comentati aiurea.

Ia explica procedeul. Hai sa vedem dacă te-ai documentat sau esti tipicul roman ipocrit care vrea sa para destept.

Auz', da'n loc sa-ți faci un tatuaj, nu puteai sa-ți pui dinții care-ți lipsesc? 🙄🤔

Vorbe mari de la un anonim infect. Auz' da'n loc să dai sfaturi de viata altora nu mai bine faci ceva cu viata ta? Sa iti ridici putin statutul de anonim

acel moment cand vrei sa ai fanii dar ai o inima pe tik tok mor de ras =]]

nailynv12cr’s Profile PhotoNatalia
Ce pula mea ? Tu stii ce-i de râs aici, dar e ok, tu să fi așa :-s . Creepy people

Care este acea persoana din viața ta cu care poți vorbi despre orice?

emilianpetrescu1’s Profile Photoemilianpetrescu1
Cred ca glumesti :-)) Eu nu pot vorbi cu nimeni chestii fara sa imi recomande psihiatru. :-))


+3 answers in: “Ceva piese să îmi recomandați? Fără manele. Și dacă se poate, nu românești. Mulțumesc ^^”

Ce nume vei pune următorului/primului tău animal de companie?

Eu las animalul sa isi aleaga numele. Trebuie sa existe o caracteristica speciala. Par example, motanul meu in varsta de 7 luni se numeste *Soma*. Soma e numele unei bauturi antice, care aducea o stare leguminoasa de contemplare asupra zeilor dar, foarte putini oameni stiu ca "Soma", inseamna Amper in japoneză. Motanul e argintul viu,electrizant, deci Soma, ii se potriveste manușă.


Language: English